Claudio Mochi and Isabella Cassina founded in 2015 the INA International Academy for Play Therapy Studies and Psychosocial Projects in Switzerland. They have conducted with institutional, scientific and academic partners specialized trainings and conferences on play therapy and crisis interventions for Mental Health and Neurorehabilitation professionals in 6 Continents.
Isabella and Claudio have worked in the development and implementation of projects and programs in areas of Natural Disaster, Conflict, and High-Risk Countries. They have implemented interventions in hospitals, centers for asylum seekers and refugees, temporary shelters, and schools by involving and training local professionals and survivors (learn more).
Combining their decades of experience in psychosocial and community-based projects, Claudio and Isabella have developed a model called "Coping with the present while building for the future" (CPBF) that they have presented in many Countries including Australia, Canada, China, Costa Rica, Switzerland, United Kingdom and the United States. Description of the model CPBF is also available in books.
Isabella and Claudio are founding members of the International Consortium of Play Therapy Associations (IC-PTA) based in Switzerland whose Board of Directors includes some of the most renowned national play therapy associations as well as members from all over the world.
Claudio Mochi
Claudio was born in Rome, Italy. He is a Clinical Psychologist, Child and Adolescents Psychotherapist, and Registered Play Therapist Supervisor (RPT-S™ ) with the Association for Play Therapy.
He specializes in Emergency Interventions and Trauma with more than 25 years of international field experience in Disaster Mental Health (among the countries are Kosovo, Serbia and Montenegro, Iran, Palestine, Pakistan, Lebanon, Sri Lanka, Haiti, etc.).
Claudio is the Director of the University Master's degree in play therapy in Rome and training program of the INA International Academy for Play Therapy. He is President and Founder of the Association for Play Therapy Italy.
He presented and trained professionals in play therapy related topics in 6 Continents and over 20 Countries. In 2015, the Family Enhancement & Play Therapy Center, Inc. awarded him for “Outstanding contributions to the practice and teaching of Filial Therapy”.
Claudio is author of Beyond the Clouds: An Autoethnographic Research Exploring Good Practice In Crisis Settings (Mochi, 2022). He has published several book chapters and articles on play therapy and crisis interventions.
He has co-edited the book Play Therapy and Expressive Arts in a Complex and Dynamic World: Opportunities and Challenges Inside and Outside the Playroom (Cassina, Mochi & Stagnitti, 2023) published by the renowned Routledge.
Isabella Cassina
MA, TPS, CAGS, PhD Candidate
Isabella was born in Lugano, Switzerland. She is a Social Worker specialized in International Cooperation and Project Development at The Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies, University of Geneva.
She is registered Therapeutic Play Specialist (TPS) with the APTI and holds a Certificate of Advanced Graduate Studies in Expressive Arts Therapy (EGS Switzerland). Her doctoral studies focus on the use of play therapy and expressive arts in crisis work.
Isabella is the Director of Project Management and trainer at the INA International Academy for Play Therapy with over 12 years of worldwide experience in crisis contexts.
She teaches at Universities in Switzerland and Italy. She is an international speaker skilled in seven languages, Editor-in-chief of the magazine Rivista di Play Therapy by the APTI.
Isabella has been Head of Social Services for the Swiss Red Cross asylum seekers and refugees sector. Since 2006, she served as a Humanitarian Worker in a variety of countries including Colombia, Serbia, Haiti, India, Nigeria, and Venezuela.
Isabella is author and illustrator of the book The Magic Home: A Displaced Boy Finds a Way to Feel Better (Cassina, 2020). She has published book chapters and articles on therapeutic play and crisis work. She is the author of the board games "Hugs for Everyone" (2019) for families and "PLeG Play, Learn & Grow" (2024) for schools.
Our International Conferences
Cassina, I. & Mochi, C. (2024) Introduction to Play Therapy: When Play is Therapy. Sultan Qaboos University SQU, Muscat, Oman
Mochi, C. & Cassina. I. (2024) Supporting the Community in Crisis and High Vulnerability Situations A Focus on the Application of Play and Play Therapy. Doha Institute for Graduate Studies, Doha, Qatar
Cassina, I. and Mochi, C. (2024). Applying the Transformative Power of Play and Expressive Arts in Crisis Settings. University of Central America (UACA), San José, Costa Rica
Mochi, C. and Cassina, I. (2024). Play Therapy and Expressive Arts in a Complex and Dynamic World: A Focus on Crisis Work. National University of Costa Rica (UNA), Heredia, Costa Rica
Mochi, C. and Cassina, I. (2024). Play Therapy and Expressive Arts in a Complex and Dynamic World: A Focus on Crisis Work. University of Costa Rica (UCR), San José, Costa Rica
Cassina, I. and Mochi, C. (2024). Children of War: Using Play and Play Therapy with Migrant Children and Families (online). Canadian Association for Play Therapy (CAPT), Canada
Cassina, I. and Mochi, C. (2023). A scuola non si gioca. Sezione delle scuole comunali, Ispettorato Mendrisiotto e Basso Ceresio, Chiasso, Switzerland
Cassina, I. and Mochi, C. (2023). From the world to Italy, from Italy to the world. The Italy Play Therapy Institute, Tuscany, Italy
Mochi, C. and Cassina, I. (2023). Supporting Aboriginal Children at School. The Geelong Grammar School, Geelong, Australia
Mochi, C. and Cassina, I. (2023). Autoethnography Explained Through A Metaphorical Journey Across The Clouds. Play Therapy - Creativity Innovation and Research Forum (PT-CIRF), Deakin University, Geelong, Australia
Cassina, I. (2022). Exploring the relevance of Play and Expressive Arts in Crisis Work: Sharing field experiences in training and project development (online). Artes Expresivas Latinoamerica (AELat), Costa Rica
Munns, E., Mochi, C. and Cassina, I. (2022). Applying Theraplay with Children in International Crisis Work. Annual APT International Conference, St. Louis, USA
Mochi, C. and Cassina, I. (2022). Psychological Interventions in Complex and Dynamic Settings: Lessons from the Front Lines. The Matheny Center for the Study of Stress, Trauma, and Resilience, Georgia State University, Atlanta, USA
Mochi, C. and Cassina, I. (2022). Applying the Therapeutic Power of Play and Expressive Arts to Trauma: A Process-Oriented Approach. The Play Therapy Training Institute, Georgia State University, Atlanta, USA
Mochi, C. and Cassina, I. (2022). Applying the Therapeutic Power of Play and Play Therapy in Contemporary Crisis Work: A Process-Oriented Approach (online). Ukrainian Fundraising PD Event, Sydney Centre for Creative Change, Australia
Mochi, C. and Cassina, I. (2022). Applying the Therapeutic Power of Play and Expressive Arts in Contemporary Crisis Work: A Process-Oriented Approach (online). Integrated Psychological Training Center for Child and Family, China
Cassina, I. and Mochi, C. (2022). La prospettiva di genere nel gioco dei bambini. Swiss National Event: Generando–Visioni di Genere, Lugano, Switzerland
Cassina, I. and Mochi, C. (2021). Recovering Lost Play Time: The Story of V. (online). Integrated Psychological Training Center for Child and Family (IPCP), China
Mochi, C. and Cassina, I. (2021). Facing Crisis through Play and Play Therapy: A Process Based Approach (online). Annual Conference, Canadian Association for Play Therapy (CAPT), Canada
Mochi, C. and Cassina, I. (2021). International Crisis Work: Enhancing Resilience Through Therapeutic Powers of Play and Capacity Building (online). 27th Annual Conference, Texas Association for Play Therapy (TxAPT), Texas, USA
Mochi, C. and Cassina, I. (2020). International Crisis Work: Enhancing Resilience Through Therapeutic Powers of Play and Capacity Building (online). 26th Annual Conference, Texas Association for Play Therapy (TxAPT), Texas, USA
Mochi, C. and Cassina, I. (2020). International Crisis: The Potential of Play Therapy and Expressive Arts Modalities (online). Inspirees Institute and International Association of Creative Arts Somatic Education (IACASE), China
Mochi, C. and Cassina, I. (2019). Play Therapy in Crisis Situations. International Play Therapy Study Group, Wroxton, United Kingdom
Mochi, C. and Cassina, I. (2018). Play Therapy in Post Disaster Events. International Conference, Come Play With Me FIJI, Suva, Fiji
Mochi, C. and Cassina, I. (2018). Role of Caregivers to Support Children Well-Being in Developing/Emergent Countries: A Focus on Filial Therapy. International Conference. Come Play With Me FIJI, Suva, Fiji
Mochi, C. and Cassina, I. (2018). Play Therapy Around the Globe: International Crisis Work with Children. Northwest Center for Play Therapy Studies NCPTS, George Fox University, Portland, USA
Mochi, C. (2017). Play Therapy in Developing Countries. Deakin University, Geelong, Australia
Mochi, C. (2017). Play Therapy in Developing/Emerging Countries. Australasia Pacific Play Therapy Conference (APPTA), Keynote speech, Sydney, Australia
Mochi, C. (2017). Using Play Therapy in Post Disaster Scenario. Australasia Pacific Play Therapy Conference (APPTA) Master class, Sydney, Australia
Mochi, C. (2017). Therapeutic Play for Children and Their Families in Centers for Asylum Seekers in Europe. International Play Therapy Study Group, Champneys, United Kingdom
Mochi, C. (2017). How Play Promotes Child Development and Well-being. Philosophy Faculty, University of Belgrade, Serbia
Mochi, C. and Cassina, I. (2017). The Importance Of Play. Philosophy Faculty, University of Niš, Serbia
Cassina, I. and Mochi, C. (2017). Use of Play Therapy with Migrants Children. Brampton, Canada
Cassina, I. and Mochi, C. (2017). Educare è un gioco da adulti! Swiss national exhibition, The discovery of the world UNESCO, Lugano, Switzerland
Cassina, I. and Mochi, C. (2016). Play Therapy: impariamo a giocare con i nostri figli. Italian national exhibition: Fiera del Benessere, Malpensa, Italy
Mochi, C. (2015). Helping Teachers to Apply The Powers of Play to Foster Optimal Development and Well-being in Children from Disadvantaged School Setting. International Play Therapy Study Group, Wroxton, United Kingdom
Mochi, C. (2013). Introduzione alla Play Therapy: Il gioco come tramite per esperienze emotive correttive. University of Salento, Faculty of Psychology, Lecce, Italy
VanFleet, R. and Mochi, C. (2012). Post-Trauma Helplessness: Multidimensional Play Therapist Roles for Empowerment. XIX Association for Play Therapy Conference, full day program, Cleveland, USA